4 Ways to Combat Unpleasant Odours in Carpets

August 23, 2024

Carpets often attract visible dirt and stains, but they also act like sponges, absorbing unpleasant
odours that can linger. Fortunately, these smells do not have to be a permanent fixture. With
effective steam carpet cleaning and various other methods, you can eliminate these odours for

1. Causes of Carpet Odours

Carpet fibres are porous and absorbent, which means any dirt or substances that find their way
into your carpet can cause it to emit stale or musty odours. Smoke and cooking smells can
become trapped, especially in poorly ventilated rooms. Old stains and pet urine, if not properly
removed, can also contribute to the odour problem. Additionally, bacteria feeding on dirt and
stains can exacerbate the issue. Water damage can further lead to unpleasant smells.

2. The Main Problem with Carpet Odours

Unlike surface dirt, carpet odours cannot be vacuumed away. Shop-bought deodorising products
often only mask the smell with a fragrance that fades over time, allowing the original odour to
return. Persistent carpet odours can make your living or working space unhealthy and
unwelcoming. Therefore, addressing carpet odours promptly is essential.

Here are four odour removal solutions worth trying. First, determine the cause of the odours in
your carpet.:

1 – Salt Solution

Salt is a cost-effective and readily available option for combating carpet odours. Salt crystals
absorb moisture, so use them on spills like pet urine. Leave the salt on the spill to absorb the
moisture until the carpet is dry, then vacuum it up.

2 – Baking Soda

Baking soda is another household staple that can neutralise carpet odours. Sprinkle a generous
layer of baking soda over the smelly area and let it sit for at least half an hour. For added
freshness, mix in a few drops of essential oils. Vacuum the carpet thoroughly to remove the
baking soda and the absorbed odours.

3 – Soap and Water Solution

A mixture of half a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid and a cup of warm water can work wonders
on stains and odours. Apply the solution to the affected area, blot until the stain and odour are
gone, then spray with a water and white vinegar solution to neutralise any lingering smells.

Repeat if necessary. For persistent odours, add a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to the mix,
testing first on a hidden part of the carpet.

4 – Steam Carpet Cleaning

For stubborn odours, professional steam carpet cleaning is the most effective solution.
Professionals use high-pressure machines to inject water and a safe cleaning solution into the
carpet pile, dislodging dirt and neutralising odours with heat and suction. This method also
destroys bacteria causing the odours. Ensure you choose a reputable company experienced in
odour removal to guarantee the best results.

At Magic Carpet Cleaning, we use the latest steam carpet cleaning systems to remove even the
most persistent odours. Contact us to learn more.